About Default Parameters, Spread, Rest and Destructing
Default Parameters
// The old way of adding a default value:
// function multiply(x, y) {
// if (typeof y === 'undefined') {
// y = 1;
// }
// return x * y;
// }
// A slightly shorter version:
// function multiply(x, y) {
// y = typeof y === 'undefined' ? 1 : y
// return x * y;
// }
// The new super clean way of adding defaults!
function multiply(x, y = 1) {
return x * y;
multiply(3, 4); //12
multiply(3); //3
// Another example!
const greet = (person, greeting = 'hi') => {
console.log(`${greeting}, ${person}!`)
// Default value of an array:
const blah = (x, y = [1, 2, 3]) => {
console.log(x, y);
// Multiple default values are possible, but rare
const greet = (person, greeting = 'hi', punctuation = '!') => {
console.log(`${greeting}, ${person} ${punctuation}`)
Not supported in IE. Spread syntax allows an iterable such as an array to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments (for function calls) or elements (for array literals) are expected, or an object expression to be epanded in places where zero or more key-value pairs (for object literals) are expected.
// Spread for Function Calls
// Expands an iterable (array,string, etc.) into a list of arguments
const nums=[9,3,2,8];
//Use spread!
//same as calling:
function giveMeFour(a,b,c,d){
console.log('a', a)
console.log('b', b)
console.log('c', c)
console.log('d', d)
const colors=['red','blue','green','yellow']
const string='GOAT'
a red
b blue
c green
d yellow
a G
b O
c A
d T
// Spread in Array Literals
// Create a new array using an existing array. Spreads the elements from one array into a new array
const cephalopods = ['dumbo octopus', 'humboldt squid', 'flamboyant cuttlefish'];
const gastropods = ['giant african snail', 'banana slug', 'variable neon slug'];
const cnidaria = ['fire coral', 'moon jelly'];
const mollusca = [...cephalopods, ...gastropods]
//["dumbo octopus", "humboldt squid", "flamboyant cuttlefish", "giant african snail", "banana slug", "variable neon slug"]
const inverts = [...cnidaria, ...gastropods, ...cephalopods]
//["fire coral", "moon jelly", "giant african snail", "banana slug", "variable neon slug", "dumbo octopus", "humboldt squid", "flamboyant cuttlefish"]
const cephCopy = [...cephalopods];
//["dumbo octopus", "humboldt squid", "flamboyant cuttlefish"]
//[ 'a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'e', 'f', 'e', 'Hello!' ]
//Spread in Object Literals
// Copies properties from one object into another object literal.
const feline = {
legs: 4,
family: 'Felidae'
const canine = {
family: 'Caninae',
furry: true,
legs: 4
const dog = {
isPet: true,
adorable: true
//{family: "Caninae", furry: true, legs: 4, isPet: true, adorable: true}
const houseCat = {
isGrumpy: true,
personality: 'unpredictable'
//{legs: 4, family: "Felidae", isGrumpy: true, personality: "unpredictable"}
const catDog = {
//{family: "Felidae", furry: true, legs: 4}
//Order matters! Legs will be 3 here, because we set it AFTER spreading canine.
const tripod = {
legs: 3,
//{family: "Caninae", furry: true, legs: 3}
const catDogClone = {
const random = [...'hello', {
The Arguments Object
- Available inside every function
- It’s an array-like object
- Has a length property
- Does not have array methods like push/pop
- Contains all the arguments passed to the function
//The arguments object is available in every function you write (except arrow functions)
//It contains all the arguments passed in.
function sum() {
//It is NOT an array, we have to turn it into one if we want to use array methods
const argsArr = [...arguments]
return argsArr.reduce((total, currVal) => {
return total + currVal
// No arguments object inside of arrow functions :(
const multiply = () => {
REST Parameters
Collects all remaining arguments into an actual array.
It looks like SPREAD but it is not!
// function sum() {
// const argsArr = [...arguments]
// return argsArr.reduce((total, currVal) => {
// return total + currVal
// })
// }
// New way using rest:
function sum(...nums) {
return nums.reduce((total, currVal) => {
return total + currVal
//We can have named params and then collect the rest into an array:
function fullName(first, last, ...titles) {
console.log('first', first)
console.log('last', last)
console.log('titles', titles)
fullName('john','travolta', 'Hi','JOhn','Travolata')
first john
last travolta
titles [ 'Hi', 'JOhn', 'Travolata' ]
// We can use rest parameters in arrow functions!
const multiply = (...nums) => (
nums.reduce((total, currVal) => total * currVal)
// 43200
A short, clean syntax to ‘unpack’:
- Values from arrays
- Properties form objects Into distinct variables
Destructing Arrays
const raceResults = [
'Eliud Kipchoge',
'Feyisa Lelisa',
'Galen Rupp',
'Ghirmay Ghebreslassie',
'Alphonce Simbu',
'Jared Ward'
// The old way:
// const gold = raceResults[0]
// const silver = raceResults[1]
// const bronze = raceResults[2]
// Using Destructuring:
const [gold, silver, bronze] = raceResults;
gold; //'Eliud Kipchoge'
silver; //'Feyisa Lelisa'
bronze; //'Galen Rupp'
const [first, , , fourth] = raceResults;
first; //'Eliud Kipchoge'
fourth; //'Ghirmay Ghebreslassie'
const [winner, ...others] = raceResults;
winner; //'Eliud Kipchoge'
others; //["Feyisa Lelisa", "Galen Rupp", "Ghirmay Ghebreslassie", "Alphonce Simbu", "Jared Ward"]
Destructing Objects
const runner = {
first: "Eliud",
last: "Kipchoge",
country: "Kenya",
title: "Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya"
//Destruct by using the key
const {
} = runner;
> first
> last
> time
const {
country: nation,
title: honorific
} = runner;
> nation
> honorific
'Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya'
const {
} = runner;
> first
> last
> other
country: 'Kenya',
title: 'Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya'
Nested Destructing
const results = [{
first: "Eliud",
last: "Kipchoge",
country: "Kenya",
first: 'Feyisa',
last: 'Lilesa',
country: 'Ethiopia'
first: 'Galen',
last: 'Rupp',
country: 'United States'
const [{
first: goldWinner
}, {
}] = results;
goldWinner; //"Eliud"
country; //"Ethiopia"
// To read it better it makes maybe more sense to work with this:
const[, silverMedal]=results //{ first: 'Feyisa', last: 'Lilesa', country: 'Ethiopia' }
const{country}=silverMedal //Ethiopia
Destructing Parameters
const runner = {
first: "Eliud",
last: "Kipchoge",
country: "Kenya",
title: "Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya"
// Rather than destructuring INSIDE the function body
// function print(person) {
// const {
// first,
// last,
// title
// } = person;
// console.log(`${first} ${last}, ${title}`)
// }
// We can unpack the values we want right in the parameter list:
function print({
}) {
console.log(`${first} ${last}, ${title}`)
// Eliud Kipchoge, Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart of Kenya
const response = [
'200 OK',
// Also works with array parameters:
function parseResponse([protocol, statusCode, contentType]) {
console.log(`Status: ${statusCode}`)
//Status: 200 OK