DOM Selecting
There are different methods to select an element in the DOM.
- getElementById
- getElementsByTagName
- getElementsByClassName
And there also exists a method who rules them all:
- querySelector
- querySelectorAll
//Example for
// There can only exists one Element per ID because the ID must be unique!
// If there exists an Element with this ID we get the Object
// If there exists non Element we get null
const btnObj = document.getElementById('gbqfbb')
accept: ""
accessKey: ""
align: ""
more and more and more.....
// getElementsByTagName
// We can get more then one element because tags are not unique
// The output will be stored in a list
// If there exists nothing it will be an empty collection
const inputTag=document.getElementsByTagName('input')
//Access the List (it is something like a leightweight array with less methods)
// <input name="source" type="hidden" value="hp">
// iterate over the List
for (let input of inputTag){
// but you can spread it into an array
const array = [...inputTag]
// or
for (let input of inputTag){
// getElementsByClassName
// We can get more then one element because classes are not unique
// The output will be stored in a list
// If there exists nothing it will be an empty collection
// For all methods you can further drill down the search e.g.:
// Except for getElementById because the ID is always unique within the whole document!
const ul = document.getElemetnsByTagName('ul')[0]
A newer, all-in-one method to select a single element
Pass in CSS selector.
It is a little bit less performant than the getElement methods.
// querySelector
// Finds first h1 element
//Finds first element with ID of red
//Finds first element with class of big
// Or more complex e.g. by looking by a list item from class big
// Or more complex e.g. by looking for a class big inside of the body which is in a selection which is in an unorderd list which is a list element
document.querySelector('body selection ul li.big')
// querySelectorAll
//Works the same as querySelector but returns a collection and not only the first result
//Finds all elements with class of big