Primitive Types
There exists following Primitive Types
- Number: Numeric Value
- String: Text
- Boolean: True|False
- Null
- Undefined
- Symbol
- BigInt
Working with numbers you can run also some mathematical operations, e. g. :
- Modulo: 12%4=0 or 27%5=2
- Power(Potenzieren): 2 ** 3=8 or 3 ** 2=9
- …
Stands for not a Number but it is a numeric value that represents something that is not … a number -> dividing by 0 or NaN + 5
1/0 -> Inifinity
Strings are indexed (Starting by 0), e. g.
let test="hello"
You can use Methods, e. g.
let print=" priint "
will result in PRIINT
without spaces and capitalized.
String Escapes:
You can escape special characters so that you don’t interfere with the normal javascript syntax (see also in Escape-Notations)
1. \n - newline
2. \' - single quote
3. \" - double quote
4. \\ - backslash
Embedded Expression
You can have embedded expressions like:
`I couned ${3+4} sheep`
-> Not single quotes they are back-tick characters!
Use ${}
and back-ticks to use variables,expressions or methods in the string
Null and Undefined
Null: Intentional absence of any value; must be assigned
Undefinded: Varaibles that do not have an assigned value are undefined