Array types
//empty array
let students= [];
//array of strings
let colors= ['red','white','green'];
//array of numbers
let numbers= [1,2,3,4,5];
//a mixed array
let stuff=[true,3,'dog',null]
Add or delete values
//last item
stuff[stuff.length-1] //null
//change array values
stuff[1]=4 //stuff=[true,4,'dog',null]
// ADD item to the end
//Not ideal approach
stuff[stuff.length]='yes' //stuff=[true,4,'dog',null,'yes']
//Push- add to end
stuff.push(1) //stuff=[true,4,'dog',null,'yes',1]
//Pop remove from end
stuff.pop() //stuff=[true,4,'dog',null,'yes']
//shift remove from start
stuff.shift() //stuff=[4,'dog',null,'yes']
//unshift add to start
//Also possible to add multiple values
More Array Methods
let numbers=[1,2,3]
let fruits=['apple','banana']
let color=['green','blue']
//concat: merge arrays (doesn't change the original arrays!)
numbers.concat(fruits) //[1,2,3,'apple','banana']
numbers.concat(fruits,color) //[1,2,3,'apple','banana','green','blue']
//includes: look for a value (not on IE available)
color.includes('green') //true
color.includes('yellow') //false
//includes after indes of one
color.includes('green',1) //false
//indexOf: just like str.indexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array or -1 if not present
numbers.indexOf(2) //3
//index of after indes of one
numbers.indexOf(3,1) //true
//check if value is there
number.indexOf(3)!==-1 //true
//join: creates a string from array
numbers.join() //"1,2,3"
//reverse: reverses an array (changes the original!)
color.revers().join('-') //"blue-green"
//slice: copy portion of an array (includes the first but not the last; doesn't change the original array)
numbers.slice(0,2) //[1,2]
color.slice() //['green','blue'] makes a copy of the original
//splice: remove/replace elements
// at index one, delete 0 elements and add 5
number.splice(1,0,5)//[3, 5, 2, 1]
//at index one, delete 1 element
//at index one, delete 1 element, add 4,5,6
numbers.splice(1,1,4,5,6)//[3, 4, 5, 6, 1]
//sort: sorts an array
numbers.sort() //[1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
// sort converting the elements into strings, then comparing their sequence of UTF-16 code unit values!!!!
numbers.sort()//[1, 1000, 2000, 3, 4, 5, 6]
numbers.splice(1,1,4400)//[1, 4400, 2000, 3, 4, 5, 6]
numbers.sort()//[1, 2000, 3, 4, 4400, 5, 6]
Reference Types
The value of an array is stored in memory and javascript points at this value e.g. :
let nums =[1,2,3]
let otherNums=nums //otherNums=1233213412
nums.push[9] //[1,2,3,9]
otherNums //[1,2,3,9] -> Because the variable points to the same memory reference!
nums //[1,2,3] -> Also effected because of same reference!
Const with arrays
With const you normally can’t change the value like you do with let. But if its reference remains the same you can change its value!
const color=['green', 'blue']
color.push('yellow') //possible because reference will be the same
color[0]="red" //possible because reference will be the same
color=["orange","purple"] //not possible because reference will change!
Therefore it is better to use const when working with arrays!
Nested Arrays
We can store arrays into other arrays!
//3 arrays in one array
const animal=[['tiger','ram'],['doe','ewe'],['dog','cat']]
animal[1] //['doe','ewe']
animal[1][1] //'ewe'
animal[2][1]='tiger' //['dog','tiger']
//Further nesting
const animal=[['tiger',['ram','cow']],['doe','ewe'],['dog','cat']]
animal[0][1][1] //'cow'